testimonial image
01 May 2024

DMY listened. They knew what was important to me and worked with us to achieve it.

When a local colleague told me how successful his Practice sale had gone, I asked him who he used.

He gave me Daniel’s number.

Engaging Daniel and DMY was far from disappointing. DMY clearly know the Queensland market very well and they clearly know how to sell accounting practices.

Their process driven approach made the transaction far easier than it would have been otherwise. They knew the pitfalls well in advance and how to overcome sticking points in the negotiations.

 Accountants believe they can manage transactions for clients but when it is your own business and legacy – it is different.

The sale process was not entirely smooth after a false start with one buyer, but Daniel and the DMY team gave me the confidence to quickly re-focus and we were soon able to find a buyer who was a really good fit for my clients and my team. A deal was wrapped up shortly thereafter. DMY ran a really good process and it was invaluable having them in my corner.

And they listened. They knew what was important to me in the sale and worked with us to achieve it.

Garry Stokes