DMY license information

DMY Pty Ltd and its Directors currently hold multiple separate corporate and individual licenses to support its position as the leaders in Australia for selling accounting and bookkeeping practices


State License type DMY Pty Ltd License number Individual licenses
NSW Corporation under the Property, Stock and Business Act 2002 10095073

Licencee-in-Charge: Daniel Jones
License No. 20262944

Director: Mark Emney
License No. 20268554

QLD Real Estate Agent 4375231

Director: Daniel Jones
License No. 4374938

Director: Mark Emney
License No. 4374952

VIC Estate Agent 085249L

Director: Mark Emney
License No. 085135L

Officer in Effective Control: Mark Emney
License No. 085040L

SA Land Agent RLA 301402

Director: Daniel Jones
License No. RLA 301126

Director: Mark Emney
License No. RLA 301574

TAS Real Estate Agent 569

Director: Daniel Jones
License No. 954

Director: Mark Emney
License No. 953

WA Real Estate and Business Agent Licence RA80046 Person in Management and Control: Daniel Jones
License No. RA 78494

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